Have you heard?

I know I have shared that this past year we joined an audiology co-operative called Entheos (enthusiasm).  I must say it has been one of the very best Hearing Solutions decisions I have ever made. The strategic pillars of the co-op are: “Being 100% member-owned means that you buy from yourself. The benefits of the organization stay with the members …


Before I get started with this month’s topic, I need to once again strongly encourage you to wear your hearing protection when using power tools, tractors, lawn equipment, going to the races or a music concert. In addition, do NOT wear your earbuds to listen to music without any type of noise reduction when mowing your lawn.  You may think …

Aural Rehab

HAVE YOU HEARD? We hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and that 2023 brings you good health and happiness.  We have some very exciting things going on at Hearing Solutions of North Carolina for this upcoming year.  I will keep you in suspense and share with you as they develop. If you have chosen us as your hearing …

over-the-counter hearing aids

HAVE YOU HEARD? Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: What You Need To Know

On August 16th the US Food and Drug Administration finalized its rules for the creation of a new class of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids that are designed to make amplification more affordable and accessible to consumers (ages 18+) with mild to moderate hearing loss. Five years in the making, these new rules allow hearing aids to be sold over the counter. …

ramsey hunt syndrome

What is The Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (RHS)?

The Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (RHS) has gained increasing awareness since Justin Bieber’s diagnosis went public in June. As an audiologist, I immediately wondered if it would affect his hearing which could in turn possibly affect his career. On the popstar’s Instagram, he showed how the syndrome has affected the muscles on one side of his face. He was unable to …

hearing services

Listening But Not Hearing – How Hearing Loss Affects Sound Processing 

July 18 is World Listening Day. To celebrate, I want to discuss the processes that allow us to experience the wonderful sounds around us. Did you know that we don’t listen with our ears? Instead, we hear sounds with our ears and listen with our brains. Our ears are responsible for detecting sound and transmitting the signal to our auditory …

HAVE YOU HEARD? June was Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

Last month was Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.  No, I didn’t forget to tell you about it (my memory is pretty good so far) it is just we had other things to talk about.  So, what is all this talk about brain health, concerns over memory issues and cognitive decline have to do with a private practice audiology clinic? Let’s …

Everyday Sounds People Miss 

Everyday Sounds People Miss 

Hearing loss progresses slowly. In its early stages, hearing loss is nearly imperceptible. The only clue that one’s hearing has changed may be the occasional misunderstanding of a word. As hearing loss progresses, however, most people notice increased difficulty when listening in background noise, often asking others to repeat themselves. In most cases, friends and family of the person with …

Have You Heard? We are now a proud member of Best Practice Pro Network!

With Mother’s Day just a few weeks ago and Father’s Day quickly approaching, I am so glad my parents were so supportive (insistent) of higher education.  It was not an option…I was going to college.  They also taught me that if you are going to do something, do it right. I carried that lesson throughout my studies, while working for …